Normal reality shows:
"The Real Housewives of Normal" -- Five women eat, shop, talk, and fight for our entertainment. Introducing the housewives: Lois, the real estate agent with a temper; Brianna, showered with money and gifts from her rich boyfriend (she's not actually a housewife but that doesn't seem to be a requirement to be on this show); Suzee, divorced and raising two young children while selling her own line of beaded jewelry; Dorissa, professor's wife who is constantly entertaining (and gossping about) the local academic elite; and Wendy, newly married with a shady past (she's from -- gasp -- Chenoa!) and a wandering eye.
"So You Think You Can Teach" -- Contestants compete to see who is talented enough to hold the attention of constantly-texting students while also teaching them a thing or two. Judges include a university president, two principals, thirty teachers/professors, and fifty helicopter parents. Viewers may also cast votes for their favorite contestant (but have to pass a quiz first)!
"Dancing with the Elected Officials" -- Local elected officials are paired with professional dancers to learn difficult dance steps and trade in their dignity for a chance to win some goofy trophy. Which Mayor has what it takes to two-step without tripping? Which Council members look best in sparkly costumes? Who will be the tough judge, the lenient judge, and the judge who always makes loud, passionate observations about the dancers? Stay tuned!
"Big Normal Brother" -- Houseguests are locked inside a compound at a not-so-secret location in northeast Normal where they will spend the summer surrounded by cameras, competing for food, evicting fellow housemates, and engaging in show-mances. Participants include the old guy, the mother figure, the nonconformist, the homosexual, the religious gal, the exhibitionist, and the not-so-bright one. The theme of this BB season is "expect the abnormal!" Rumor has it that one houseguest is actually an animal (well, genetically; it's complicated). Watch the show and subscribe to the 24-hour live feed so you can see the stuff that gets edited out for TV. (The show doesn't really have anything to do with Normal except that the compound will be located here and that's enough to get us some national attention. No such thing as bad press...)
Two reality shows that were rejected as possible Normal-themed:
"Amazingly Normal Race" -- Getting around Normal and engaging in the local customs are just too difficult, stressful, and/or odd for teams to handle.
"Normal Millionaire Matchmaker" -- Normal rich people refuse to mingle with those of lesser means, no matter how hot they are.
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